Why Should I Forgive?

Forgiveness is a key that unlocks healing on another level.  It seems hidden, but it really hides in plain sight. We know it exists, but sometimes we have to be reminded to forgive.  Especially, in the heat of the moment, and when the situations we face are painful and humiliating. Nevertheless, it’s essential in the process of “Moving On”.

On the other hand, the essence of unforgiveness is to “Hold On”.  In order to do that you have to rehearse the slight or offense over and over again.  This is quite time consuming.  It also takes up a lot of square footage in our minds, hearts, bodies, spirits, and souls that we could be using toward something that could be positive and fruitful.  Before you know it, its spilling out into our lives and the people around us.  Basically, it can tax you down to the bone. That’s a lot of investment to put into something that we don’t want.

Also, don’t regret being kind or compassionate.  Don’t curse your lovingkindness or generosity even if it was taken for granted. Those gifts are divine!  Fear and anger would have you withdraw into obscurity, but the way I see it, you’re what’s right in the world.  The boldness to be and do good in the face of hate and vengefulness. Instead, learn from your circumstance and pray for wisdom. I pray that as a result your gifts increase.

Finally, I ask you to let it go! Let’s clean out our storage closets of offenses. We seem to be downsizing and repurposing everything else.  Aren’t we worth it too?

  If the issue had the capacity to take you out, it would have.  The good news is that, if you’re able to read this, you’re still here.  There is so much more that God has in store for you.  Use this new day to ask him what that is. Then wait patiently for the answer.  

Ephesians 4:32

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

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