Tired of Losing?

Are you tired of losing battles? It doesn’t matter if they are big or small. They say that we tend to seek change when we are at our lowest point.  When you’re so low that there is nowhere to look, but up. Some would say, that’s where you’ll find the feeling of ‘being sick and tired of being, sick and tired’.  It can also be the time, for some, when we may want to fight back.

We may start becoming more open to new ideas and may even start to dramatically look for new ways to resolve our issues or ease our pain.  When we have hit a brick wall and have come to a dead end, there are choices that are available to us, especially when we get tired of losing battle after battle.

Even when we find moving in habitual cycles exhausting, we also are left with feelings of regret, depression, brokenness, loneliness, being depleted, and in shame among other things. There are so many self-help outlets and vices presented to us to get back some form of our peace of mind, but which ones can we choose that won’t have some sort of “Side Effects” that may cause addiction and further harm?

These feelings that are all too familiar hide in plain sight, and since they cannot be readily seen, it isn’t easy to defeat them. All of our “triggers” aren’t always so obvious, and our self medicated “antidotes” of the night before may not work today. Sometimes they can’t be dismissed as just random thoughts or occasional emotions. There is more to this than a psychological or emotional struggle. These thoughts can be downright haunting.

 It doesn’t matter your age, gender or where you’re from.  They don’t discriminate against how attractive you are, your education or family background, how talented, smart, popular, rich or resourceful you are. You can name any exception to the rule you can imagine and these spirits can take you down, and if you’re not vigilant, they can keep you there.  It’s exactly like fighting in the dark.

This is why I suggest in short, that if we are truly tired of losing to negative thoughts that eventually lead to negative and unfruitful actions, we seek the Lord’s way of fighting. 


 Let’s shed the light of God in the dark hidden places in our lives with his word. Let’s also seek his guidance through prayer and surround ourselves with those who want to live or are already living victoriously in his freedom.

Just think about it…

You cannot win a fight with a seasoned opponent in a ring if you’re not trained.  How much more can you properly defend yourself by fighting something you cannot see? 

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 KJV

3) For though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh:

4) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,

5) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6) And having a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

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